

Have you ever felt like nothing else could go wrong in your life? and as time passes it only gets worse? phisically, psicologically... in every possible way. i dont update this blog for ages, i dont really have a reason. maybe cause iconnect it with my (recent past), and one that if in one hand brings me wonderfull memories, on the other hand it only makes me hurt at the moment. My health, or whats left of it, it's getting worse everyday. when one problem slows down, i imidiatly find something else wrong. and latelly i've been feeling like a ping-pong ball between medics. nutritionist, neurosurgeon, endocrinologist... i wonder who they're going to send me next! and also how much money will i have to pay for someone to sit me down, look at blod tests and exams ive done, and tell me to come back in a month with even more blood tests. im f*cking tired of it! and it leads to other situations, like arguments at home, and failing at school and it's all damn stuck in my head, i cannot sleep, i take pills that do nothing but make me feel like a zombie... and like if that wasnt enough, my heart is broken in thousands and thousands of pieces, and it's playing tricks on me... and i really dont know what is going to happen to me but it feels like its never going to change, and even if your head tells you you have to move on, your heart doesnt want to. when you dedicate everything you have and are to someone, and u realise you lose them, nothing is worth anymore. and i should not come here soon, but you guys know where to find me, gotta keep myself busy i guess... wildangel.planetaclix.pt
ironically i heard this line earlier on a movie that was on tv: "you can't make someone fall in love with you and then decide they just don't fit in your life." eh!..

1 comentário:

ru disse...

Espero que pronto la rueda de la fortuna gire en otra dirección, más positiva, para tí.

great work in your page, good creations

hugs from garfield